
Reaching Remote Areas Through Media


ENGAGE partner Philemon has a weekly ½ hour television broadcast. For the past 11 years he has had the opportunity to share the gospel on the government station, representing evangelicals in the country. This medium has been effective, as Philemon puts it, “to enter into the living rooms of people” all throughout the nation and wherever the network is broadcast.

A businessman named Chonomani reached out to Philemon about one month ago and told him that he was watching the program every week and was interested in the message he was hearing. Chonomani told Philemon that there were no Christians in his area and he didn’t know where he could go to get a Bible.

He asked Philemon, “Can you provide me with a Bible?”

Philemon responded, “I live quite a distance from you and I’m not able to bring one to you but if you are able to visit me, I will surely give you a Bible.”

Not long after that conversation Philemon found Chonomani at his home to collect the Bible he was promised. He was delighted to have a copy in his hands. He opened it up and began reading.
Chonomani told Philemon, “I want to follow Jesus at any cost. There are no believers in my area. So, how do I follow him?”

Philemon led Chonomani in a prayer of repentance and surrender, accepting the Lord.

After talking for a while, Chonomani also requested 2 additional Bibles. He wanted to give them to his daughter and daughter-in-law, who also had shown great interest in following Christ. Philemon told Chonomani, “Encourage them to follow the Lord.”

In addition to the weekly television broadcast, Philemon also has a regular radio program which is currently broadcast in 13 districts of the nation. His current media ministry is scaled back from what it once was due to the costs of funding these broadcasts. You can partner with Philemon to help him continue to spread the good news of Jesus Christ.