
Why I am Excited About Supporting Indigenous Missions


Isaiah declares that it is the Lord who upholds you!

The afflicted and needy are seeking water, but there is none,
And their tongue is parched with thirst; I the Lord will answer them myself, As the God of Israel, I will not forsake them. (Isaiah 41:17)

Why was I excited about leading teams to Indonesia for four weeks last month and to India & Nepal for eight weeks early in 2023? This same God who spoke comprehensively through His prophet Isaiah is the only God of all the peoples, tongues, and tribes worldwide.

Since the inception of Engage Today, the leaders we are linking with are proving to be effective. For example, Sushant and Neeta spent three weeks with us in the Winnipeg area in October. Their hearts were so delighted to be here. Whether preaching and teaching in churches, connecting in a wide variety of homes, or revealing the wide-open doors of their work, the humility and gratitude were electrifying.

Brother John and I just spent the last 4 weeks in Indonesia strengthening leadership in remote areas with the incredible leader, Gunar, and excellent interpreter, Tolop. My joy knew no bounds as the wide-open doors in this vast land of islands and sea are seemingly endless. Pastor Dave from Ontario and brother Bruce were tactfully employed on the core island of Java.

Our vision is confirmed continually as we go. The indigenous mission force emerging is ideal. Language and culture are known as second nature and savvy is such a beautifully appropriate summary. They know instinctively what to do and how to do it.

As the next verse declares:

I will open rivers on the bare heights,
And springs in the midst of the valleys,
I will make the wilderness a pool of water,
And the dry land fountains of water” (v. 18).

In other words, everything is reversed. Bare heights of droughts became lush. Valleys break forth in fresh springs. Wild wilderness – good for nothing – is changed completely with plenty of pools. Where there was no moisture, fountains of water gush forth.

This is the day of gospel advance. Let us challenge our Heavenly Father with bold, but humble, requests. Make Indonesia what we already see happening, but to a greater degree.

India and Nepal are in the throes of testing believers and refining the churches. Such is the perfect place for radical revival and explosive church growth.

Isaiah goes on in verses 19 and 20 to picture cedars, acacia, myrtle, olive, juniper, box tree, and cypress. In other words, forests of incredible trees are coming. Can you believe the Lord for the impossible? There is no God like our Lord.

Join me in partnering with our indigenous brothers and sisters to see the unreached reached with the gospel.