
Hope for Myanmar


An update from our local partner

The last few years have been so different and difficult for most of us in the country of Myanmar. In these very trying years, the Lord has been amazingly good and faithful to us as a family and as a mission.

The Lord has given us results through various evangelism initiatives:
-Thousands of families in our community eat a simple meal once a day for months now. Each month the Lord’s has enabled us to share God’s love in our community through food helps.
-We have launched “Special Outreach Ministries” with our students. This year the Lord has given us 38 students. Since the second semester, each weekend they go by twos to reach out to the Burmese Buddhists with the Gospel. They give Burmese Bibles and other Gospel tracks available to us as well. At the same time, all the teachers also reach out to our community and the city with the Gospel. Praise the Lord that He has enabled us to reach out to Burmese Buddhists and Indian Hindus in our city. Please pray for us so that we will remain bold in the Holy Spirit to proclaim the Saving Gospel to our people effectively regardless of the real risks and costs involved.
-We also hope to share Christ and the gospel message to thousands of people in their own communities during the next two months (November and December) in at least at 10 different places and villages.

For the last 7 years our regular way of reaching out to the people in our city with the Gospel is that we go out to them wherever they are even in these times.

BUT today, by God’s grace our community and hundreds of our neighbors come to us to hear about Jesus, listen to the Gospel message and receive Christ Jesus as their Savior. This is the story:

For many decades, this very area where our Bible School is located was a place where evil spirits were feared and worshipped by the Burmese Buddhists and Buddhist animists. Today, it has become a place for worship to Jesus and a place where the Salvation message is shared and lives are being saved. The Lord is definitely doing totally something new today. The risk is high for sharing Christ, but the cost of not sharing Christ to our people is higher.

By the Grace, we have started a powerful Gospel ministry right on our school campus. Our neighbors and community’s cry to us is, “We want to hear more about your Jesus.” Each month we welcome 150-180 Burmese Buddhists to our campus to hear about Jesus and receive the salvation message. God’s love is shown, the Gospel shared, Jesus received as Lord and Savior by a few thus far, and Christ’s joy and peace experienced in the midst of fear and hopelessness in the country. Sometimes the Spirit leads us to follow up with meetings with individuals and family. Praise the Lord that last month an elderly woman received Jesus as her Savior at one of our home Gospel meetings.

Jesus is the ultimate answer to living on this earth. Please pray for us and for the people.

We humbly invite you to join us in praying for the coming evangelistic ministries. Please also consider to support us and empower us for a greater harvest for Christ in Myanmar.