
Evangelism Concert Programs


Early in 2022, Engage Today began to sponsor a new initiative that our partner Kirit envisioned to reach unreached villages with the gospel. He planned to visit new areas and travel with a gospel team, organizing a program with singing, Christian cultural dance, testimonies and finally a gospel presentation. In his area, the villages really enjoy a program like this. He calls these events: Evangelism Concert Program.

Typically, the gospel team arrives in a village and will invite anywhere between 50 to 70 people to gather in a meeting place for a program. After the presentation begins, more people in the village usually gather to observe. Since February, they have conducted 20 such meetings in different unreached villages.

When I spoke to Kirit this week he shared with me that 70 people now have been baptized as a result of this initiative.

A key component of this ministry is the follow-up program that they have organized. There are 20 workers who are serving in follow up to all the events. The volunteers will collect phone numbers and connect with the people after the event. They visit them in order to teach them more (about who Jesus is and clarify the gospel to them), pray for them, and offer counselling.

Kirit shared with joy that not only has the initiative been effective in spreading the gospel to new areas, but that revival is starting in the churches. The active participation of the churches in the programs (with the gospel teams and with the follow-up) has helped them to see how the Holy Spirit is working and it’s bringing a new vision to the believers.