What is your statement of faith?
Theology is important to us. We believe firmly in the inerrant, infallible Word of God. You can read our Statement of Faith in full by clicking here.
Theology is important to us. We believe firmly in the inerrant, infallible Word of God. You can read our Statement of Faith in full by clicking here.
Engage Today was first established in the year 2000 by Dr. David Robbins. We were formerly known as Advancing Indigenous Missions, birthed out of the vision and network of our sister agency in the USA, Advancing Native Missions. The passion of Engage Today, since the beginning, has been to partner with dynamic Christian leaders who are from and live among unreached people groups in order to advance the proclamation of the gospel among the least reached in the world.
Engage Today is seeking to be a bridge between you and our partners. We offer opportunities to visit our partners on the ground and we seek to regularly bring our partners to Canada so that you can spend time with them, hear their stories, and get to know them. Visit Our Partners page on our website to reach out to our office to explore partnership.
Would you like to have one of our partners or staff visit your church to share about the mission to the unreached? Visit our Contact page to get in touch with our office so that we can explore arranging those details.
Several times per year, Engage staff and volunteers coordinate trips to visit and work with our partners. We are always looking for participants to join us. Visit our Contact page so that you can let us know your interest in learning more about one of these trips.
Our office is based in Winnipeg and we do have a variety of work needs on a regular basis as well as some that occur from time to time. We match these to the skills of volunteers who reach out to us based on their schedule and skills. Contact us and mention this if you are interested. Volunteer applications are one of the steps to being involved.
Engage Today is a registered charity (Reg. # 86687 3243 RR0001) and we typically issue our charitable tax receipts in early February for gifts received in the previous calendar year. Receipts for gifts can be issued at any time if requested.
Identifying Engage Today in your Will is a tremendous way to have your legacy impact the spread of the gospel among the unreached. We have a board approved plan for how we utilize resources received from estates. Please do not hesitate to contact our office if you have any further questions about how your estate would be utilized by our organization.
In 2021, 81.2% of all resources spent by Engage Today were for the ministry programs of our ministry. 18.8% was spent on administration and fundraising. We take Biblical stewardship seriously and we seek to be faithful with everything the Lord provides. To receive a copy of our audited financial statement, which is conducted annually by an arms-length auditing firm, please do not hesitate to contact our office. When a designated gift is received, 10% of it is used to help cover the cost of administration.
Yes, our sister agency in the USA, Advancing Native Missions, can process donations designated for Engage Today. Please visit: https://advancingnativemissions.com/donate/, select the option “Donate to Specific Ministries”, and then search for the ministry: 001AIM1100